Despite the remarkable precocious character, (the Clos Jebsal is the terroir where we find the first signs of flowering and véraison at the Domaine) this terroir has a real capacity to produce wines typical of cool soils. The grey marls of Keuper have a good water retention capacity and prevent hydric stress, yielding wines with beautiful balanced acidities. Noble rot is always present and every year since the very first vintage the wines from Clos Jebsal have been sweet. The climate at the end of the season determines whether the expression of the Clos Jebsal takes on the form of a Sélection de Grains Nobles, (Selection of Noble Grains) or Vendange Tardive. It is not a rare occurrence that in certain vintages the Jebsal is the only terroir which produces a noble rot wine.
The color is pale yellow, the nose is delicate with some honey, candied fruits, raisons, and some light smoky flavours. The palate is elegant with great balance between sweetness and acidity.