Among the world’s best known and oldest Lambrusco wineries, Vignerons and winemakers in Lambrusco since 1890, the Medici family blends historic winemaking expertise with a modern and original style. Medici Ermete has earned its prestige through its heritage and dedication to quality. Quality remains central to each step in production. Grapes come exclusively from Lambrusco’s prime vineyards and the crucial step in the production process, the second fermentation, is always natural (Charmat method).
In 2018 Medici Ermete converted all of its 200 acres of estate vineyards from sustainable to organic farming. Medici Ermete has a long history of farming sustainably, so responsible farming practices are not new to them. They have long been concerned with sustainable agriculture, specifically this means: no herbicides, no pesticides and no fertilizers.
Today Medici Ermete wines are exported to more than seventy countries around the world. Their message of quality has been resoundingly reinforced by elite accolades such as Gambero Rosso’s coveted “Tre Bicchieri” award and the best in show Champion Trophy, earned at the 2010 International Wine Challenge in London.