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‘Fox and Friends’ Features Five Kobrand “Great Spring Wines for Under $10”

March 24, 2013

During the Sunday, March 24, 2013 airing of “Fox and Friends,” five Kobrand wines, Caposaldo Pinot Grigio, Infamous Goose Sauvignon Blanc, Jadot Beaujolais-Villages, RED Splash by St. Francis and Poema Cava Rosado, were featured in the segment “Great Spring Wines for Under $10,” led by wine expert Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan MW.

Jennifer described them as “Really great wines for under $10… very user-friendly.” Tasting with show hosts Alisyn Camerota and Clayton Morris, Jennifer offered a quick tip on food and wine pairing, “Always match weight [of the wine] with weight [of the dish].” As examples, Jennifer recommended that a lighter dish like “grilled scallops would work extremely well” with the Infamous Goose Sauvignon Blanc, while “grilled meats would go very well with the bolder RED Splash.”

For more information on the wines:
Caposaldo Pinot Grigio
Infamous Goose Sauvignon Blanc
Maison Louis Jadot Beaujolais-Villages
RED Splash by St. Francis
Poema Cava Brut Rosado

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