Roberto Potentini was born in Urbisaglia on August 2,1961. His achievements are vast, starting with a 12-year land surveyor qualification from the Agricultural Technical Institute G. Garibaldi in 1980. Following this qualification, Roberto attended the Agricultural Institute, Celso Ulpiani, earning a Wine Technician diploma in 1981. Looking to continue his education, he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Perugia. His experimental thesis was written on the Verdicchio di Matelica D.O.C. In 1993, he earned the professional status of “Winemaker” from the Italian Minister of Agriculture.
Roberto is very active in his consulting work and has written many publications, many of which have received awards. He serves as head of many wine organizations including President of the D.O.C. Wines Tasting Commission at the Chamber of Commerce of Macerata, Vice-President of the Regional Council of the Italian Association of Oenologists and Wine Technicians Association, Member of the National Appeal Commission in Rome for D.O.C. and D.O.C.G. wines of the Italian Minister of Agriculture, and scientific committee member of the University of Camerino. Additionally, he shares his knowledge as an expert lecturer in Oenology at several universities.